June 9, 2010

rosemary lemonade

Lately I've gotten in the habit of making homemade lemon- and lime-ades. Sometimes I juice them myself, and other times I buy the lemon or lime juice. I mix them with simple syrup, water, and sometimes a little something extra.

homemade rosemary lemonade

1 c lemon juice (or lime)
4 c cold water
1 c simple syrup (to make: heat 1/3 c sugar and 2/3 c water, stirring until dissolved. let cool)
fresh rosemary (2 sprigs, 4-6 inch each)
2-4 slices lemon, for garnish

Mix lemon juice, water, and simple syrup. Add sprigs of rosemary, let rest for 30 minutes. Serve immediately after, garnishing with slices of lemons.

enjoy the sunshine!

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